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Future In Pharmaceuticals Ireland 2022

Certification Europe will be exhibiting at the Future In Pharmaceuticals Ireland Conference on the 6th of July at Croke Park Stadium, Dublin.

Sustainability within the pharmaceutical processing and manufacturing sector has never been more important! For many years larger organisations have been realising the fact that environmental policies (ISO 14001) and energy efficiencies (ISO 50001) within processing are directly related to the bottom line! Reducing energy costs, carbon footprint and waste during the process of pharmaceuticals can have a significant impact on the profitability of a facility. Additionally, global pharmaceutical manufacturers find themselves under increased pressure from within their own organisations to reduce their carbon footprint and compete against other worldwide sites from within their group.

Read our blog on how the BS EN 16001 standard reduces energy costs by up to 25%

The Future in Pharmaceutical Conference Details


Where: Croke Park Stadium, Dublin

When: 6th of July

Register: Future in Pharmaceuticals

If you’re attending The Future In Pharmaceuticals conference contact us to arrange a meeting.

Picture of Richard Barry
Richard Barry

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